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主演:Martial Le Minoux Karim Tougui Pauline Moingeon Vallès 

类型:动画奇幻欧美动漫导演:Baptiste Gaubert Jérémie Hoarau 状态:已完结年份:2018地区:法国语言:法语豆瓣:8.0分热度:246 ℃时间:2024-04-12 15:53:15

简介:详情Welcome to a world ravaged by explosions of violence, a world without love. Jung, the broken-hearted hero, pur...

温馨提示:[DVD:标准清晰版] [BD:高清无水印] [HD:高清版] [TS:抢先非清晰版] - 其中,BD和HD版本不太适合网速过慢的用户观看。


    Welcome to a world ravaged by explosions of violence, a world without love. Jung, the broken-hearted hero, pursues his quest reunite with Maria, his lost love, savagely decapitated by Little Jesus. He can count on the support of allies met along his bloody path, encounters that provide an understanding of others, but especially of himself. He also has to deal with his “violent outbreaks,” an incontrollable curse that springs from his murderous soul.
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